21 December 2009

Wiley as ever

Ok, so this is my spot in the world. I'm a Kiwi living outside of NZ for two reasons:

1. pissed off with the political climate in NZ
2. tax-free pay

My commentary will be focused on the inadequacies of the political system in NZ and those that serve within. NZ is a great place, if only our politicians had the guts not to be self-serving.

Feel free to have your say and "speak" your mind - I will.


  1. Having worked my way down to here after finding the link at PMofNZ I must say I like your style.

  2. Thanks! And you are the first person to post a comment! :)

  3. Welcome. Love your comments so far. You hit the nail on the head when you talk of polititians being self serving. They know what needs to be done, but they struggle with the risk of "alienating" the majority of the voting public. Thier solution? Introduce policies that make the majority of voters dependent on the state (working for families). Don't pay for it out of taxation, use levies at point of sale and simular less obvious rorts. I hate them all. I hate all that they stand for. Good Luck!

  4. Thanks Mike. We need order in society, therefore lawmakers to make the laws, but party philosophies really get in their way... pity, could be a more reputable occupation if they weren't so brain-dead!
