05 June 2010

Turei - Tough Bitch?

Not a chance, she is trying to perform in the big league but fails miserably. Turei, the Chief Toxic Waste of New Zealand hasn't a clue about politics. Watch her in the Chamber, listen to how she asks questions, it's like listening to a rampant 15yo trying to be a 25yo - what a joke this bitch is.

So, she's decided to personally attack Key. I wonder how long she wants to be Co-Leader of the Greens? The Green Party really lost out when they didn't let Bradford in. At least with Bradford she was a ballsy bitch - Turei is an immature titless wonder and if she wants to play in the big league, she needs to change her style. That fat supercilious grin she has is quite off-putting.

She, who pretends to have a "feel" of the nation needs to discover what life is all about before she starts to advocate for others. Life's tough? Fuck yeah it is, but the MAJORITY of Kiwi's get off their arses and work hard. I look forward to an announcement from her that she will take a pay cut to about $50,000 and donate the balance to the poor and needy... gimme a break.

Interestingly she ran for the legalise marijuana party and McGillicudy's party back in the 90's - no wonder she doesn't sound intelligent. She's so insignificant I can't even be bothered posting a photo of her.


  1. I was just looking down your list of chiefs and see you have Mallard as chief criminal. You may want to change that to chief Thug or chief Rooter because when the Labour credit cards are revealed there may be other contenders for the criminal role. Then of course there is always Philp Field for that title and not forgetting Clark and Cullen.

  2. Chief Thug does truly reflect him doesn't it! When are the books due to be opened on Labour? I'd be interested see Hodgson's (note he is in the sewer again chasing Jonathon Coleman. How sad he leads a life like this - what a way to leave parliament!

  3. Any day for the credit card spending I think PF. However, I am guessing a bit.

    I haven't seen that about Hodgson's latest actions. Shame he doesn't try and do something productive.
