10 May 2010

Self-Defeating Maori Arguments

Ok, so Nanny Turia, already listed as a fucknuckle on my list, is quickly turning into a stupid dumbfuck fucknuckle. All the fuss now is about the Urewera Nat Park and Tuhoe with Key signifying (as the MAJORITY party who holds the POWER) that Tuhoe should not be handed over to them. Fair enough too.

Now this stupid bitch Turia has lost her tampons over the whole issue. She says she is "tired of the politics of race..." HELLO, they came into politics because of race - their whole focus is about race - Maori, and not Pakeha - did she fall on her head at birth? Doesn't she realise she's fucking her own party by making comments like this? Key is quickly going to regret bringing the party into Govt and its still not too late for him to:

1. Drop Foreshore Issues
2. Drop Whanau Ora
3. Boot Turia and Prickly Sharples from their portfolios
4. And plenty more other things.

She and her cohorts need to remember that they don't hold the balance of power - Nats have been accommodating on a huge number of things but the Maori Bludger Party just keeps on nibbling away at the Conservatives. At the end of the day Key will look after the ideologies of his party before giving blowjobs to Maori every time they whine about not being treated fairly. Remember this Maori supporters at the next election - the Maori Party is a goneburger with its current leadership.

According to Turia Te Urewera belongs to Tuhoe. GET FUCKED! No way does it belong to them - it belongs to NEW ZEALANDERS - all of us. If anyone is being separatist in this country its her. If she is sick of the Politics of Race, others like myself are moreso sick of the Maori Party. Turia has to be the least intelligent of MP's I've ever come across - maybe I should start an official list in that vein.

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