12 February 2010

The Agony Chamber - 10Feb10

When I'm free, I intend to pass comment on what I see during question time in that weird meeting place of our politicians. I've always been amused of the antics that go on, but less so of recent times given that we pay these turkey's heaps to behave like fuckwits.

Goff, Key and the GST saga. Goff sought to question Key over the possible increase in GST to 15%. Kinda stupid way to start the year Goff given his previous Govt not only introduced GST, but also increased. Hello! The Nats intend, IF they increase the GST to 15% to also reduced personal taxes, just as Goff's Govt did. So Phillis, try coming up with a real argument instead of making yourself look like a fool.

Interestingly, that one-man-party-joke, Alliance and almost octogenerian Anderton got up to try and have key define the word "not". Hello? One of the things about the agony chamber is that arguments must be both cogent and rational. Anderton flogged a dead horse and the Speaker shut him down - quite rightly too.

Tolley is having a rough time at the moment too. I think she risks being kicked out of the cabinet - she just doesn't have any balls (well literally as well as figuratively). She is a trier, but no match for Daffy Duck Mallard. She is weak and spineless and however well she may do the job in the background, she just isn't credible when in front of the public.

Annette King. Although I can't stand her supercilious tone, she is way better than soft-wanker Goff in the chamber. She actually offers up good arguments and counters well against the more inexperienced Paula Bennett. Unfortunately King didn't win on points over the unemployment rate. Recessions cause unemployment and if the labbies think it will all be solved within one year then they have just fallen out of a bunch of trees.

Jeanette Fitzsimmons - last week in parliament. Good riddance to the nambie pambie grandma.

Cunliffe - what a prize wanker. He comes across so toffy-nosed when he speaks. He pushes Mr Speaker to the limit very often and I think he is periously close to being kicked out sometime soon. He's a smart ass and most kiwi's don't like that sort.

The agony chamber continues to agonize.

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