28 February 2010

Hone strikes again

This fuckwit still doesn't realise he is a lawmaker. He seems intent on not only breaking the law himself but encouraging others to do so also.

He wants people in Tai Tokerau to drop chains and anchors into the harbour to protest the sea turbine project.

But hangon, isn't it part of intl martime law that putting "things" into the water which could cause, or make to cause an obstacle for shipping illegal?

Oh, hang on, Fuckawira doesn't give a shit about stuff like that, he is more interested in getting his name in the newspaper. What the fuck is he thinking? Doesn't he realise the potential of the project? Does he know how useful it could be in this world-breaking project? Does he have a brain at all? Nope - just the usual verbal crap coming from this guy.


  1. how much is this tosser getting paid?

  2. What is dropping anchors and chains into the Kaipara Harbour going to do to the Seabed and Foreshore.

    Doesn't Hone's lot want to own and control tha so that more Blackberries will grow wild.

  3. Yup, exactly, over $100k I think, but I'll have to check. If it is that, he's got to be one of the highest paid lawbreakers of the lawmakers!
