28 February 2010

Hone strikes again

This fuckwit still doesn't realise he is a lawmaker. He seems intent on not only breaking the law himself but encouraging others to do so also.

He wants people in Tai Tokerau to drop chains and anchors into the harbour to protest the sea turbine project.

But hangon, isn't it part of intl martime law that putting "things" into the water which could cause, or make to cause an obstacle for shipping illegal?

Oh, hang on, Fuckawira doesn't give a shit about stuff like that, he is more interested in getting his name in the newspaper. What the fuck is he thinking? Doesn't he realise the potential of the project? Does he know how useful it could be in this world-breaking project? Does he have a brain at all? Nope - just the usual verbal crap coming from this guy.

21 February 2010

Phillis Goff - The Beached Whale

Snippy snappy Goff is struggling to find things to attack the Govt on even more now. Astoundingly he chooses to make a fool of himself AGAIN!

McCully and the Ozzies are uniting on a front to sort out those Jappo wankers who are slaughtering whales for medical research - well, that's a big fucking joke in itself. But anyhow, Phillis says that NZ used to be in the fore-front over issues like this, but now its in the reverse coz the Ozzie PM is upping the ante.

Problem with Goff, and why people are turning away from him is, that he completely misses the point. When two countries work together to solve a problem its not about which country is tops in doing it - its the fact that two countries putting all their political resources together to fight - that's what he should be celebrating!

Goff just doesn't see this - he thinks NZ should be the leading country in EVERY fucking thing. What a prize prick he is and the labbie supporters will walk away from his pettiness - he is a weak gutless beached-whale and its embarrassing internationally to see him rant on about how lowly HE thinks NZ has become - get a brain implant Goff, you're overdue and stranded.

EDIT: I just read this morning that Pothead Chris Carter is saying that NZ should JOIN the ozzies in the pursuit of the saki-addicts. Rumblings in the Labour Party? One side (Goff) with unproductive comments and that NZ take the lead, the other (Carter) encouraging to JOIN the ozzies. Labour is falling apart at the seams again.

20 February 2010

The Dark Lord

Yup, she cometh, sayeth and then piss-offith. Yup, none other than that dark lord, Lord Insidious, she who held the grip of power over 9 LONG years - she just can't let go of it. Who really is running the Labour Party? She watches from a distance, plots and plans, then strikes a deafening blow to the least suspecting - in this case Phillis Goff. He must have been wondering whether he was still the opposition leader or not.

Clark rips into the debate over RNZ, then launches into the mining situation. Why she just couldn't come to NZ pickup the now valueless gong along with a red robe and then bugger off back to NY. Nope, the dark lord relentlessly has to have her say. She hasn't fully realised that she is master (mistress) and commander of the UNDP and has much more she should be commenting about than stirring the pot in NZ.

I can feeeeeeeeeel the hate within her. Her desire to put her sticky meddling fingers into something she totally no longer has control of. Unfortunately the empire will strike back, and the Dark Lord has a new apprentice - Darth Cilious, none other than Darren Hughes. The dark side is strong within him. Actually he's close to being a fuck-knuckle, but not quite yet lol.

18 February 2010

The Agony Chamber - This week

Three contributions I thought interesting during question time this week.

1. Phillis Goff - launched an attack on the PM by referring to sloppiness (from Key's comment that he was sloppy regarding his mining shares). This is so childish. Goff used the word "sloppy" to criticise all and sundry re: what the Govt is doing. It's playground behaviour and Goff was close to popping a vein. Tragic really.

2. Catherine Delahunty - this toxic greenie launched an attack on wee Pansy Wong over the number of woman serving on various boardroom appointees (or the lack of women on said boards). What a stupid line of argument toxic took. She seems interested in female dominance I think. Shouldn't she be aiming an argument on having the best person for the job, NOT based on gender? Or would she rather have female dominated boards with those that don't have the skills to do the job. Delahuntry can flap all she likes but I know i'd like the best PERSON to be in situ. Stupid woman lost out anyhow given Wong stated that 47% are filled by women already. Another example of an MP who just doesn't put thought into issues.

3. Wayne Mapp - poor ole Doc Mapp, attacked from the left and right all at once over the NIWA mess. He really does bumble along, tries hard but is not particularly persuasive. He best sort out NIWA before the shit flys all over. ACT seem intent on attacking on this one - make the most ACT, its your last term in parliament anyhow.

Doctor Who?

Usually with my posts I put up a picture of the people I predominantely refer to. In this case, the person isn't worthy of a picture showing what the post is all about.

That BITCH! Clark, she who used rhetoric to its max over way more than 9 years received the highest honour, which now, is of course not, because she became a member of it. Kudos to all those other real genuine people that received it, and a huge BRICKBAT to she and her "very close" offsider Heather Simpson - how on earth the country allowed them to rule so long is just astounding.

As to the hon Law degree, another weirdly incredible thing to give her. Its been wildly commented on already in many other blogs, least I say, as above, all those other real genuine recipients of the HonLLD might well be wondering the value of the ones they received.

So, she deviously planned to be in NZ to receive the gong and the LLD, now she will piss off back to NY. Its unfortunate that she is like a virus, that just keeps on coming back.

17 February 2010

Tolley's demise

It's a tangled web this woman weaves and now she is stuck - stuck in a pit of inefficiency, lack of credibility and confidence amongst her caucus members in her ability must be at a real low.

I watched her online in the agony chamber today and it was just pitiful. Key MUST move her on - she is a weak link. Put someone in charge of education that knows something about it. Everyone knows Peachey should have got the portfolio, but loyalty to party took precedence.

Loyalty is fine, stupidy is not. She is being paid a big wage, but just can't handle the job and thus, she must be added to the dreaded fuck-knuckle list.

16 February 2010

Funny Ora

Again Turia has lost another cog. At this rate they will lose half those on the Maori electoral roll. What the fuck is going on with the NZMP? Now she and her party want to split up help for families between Maori and others. Shit, they must have more than a cog loose.

Just as well Key turned around indicated "The ethos of the programme was "a Maori way of doing things" but anyone could have access to the programme if they wished.
He said he had made his position clear to the Maori Party "quite some time" ago and Mrs Turia had not raised any concerns about the recipients of Whanau Ora being based on anything other than those in need." (NZHerald).

So NZMP, shut the fuck up and let integration occur in NZ inside of dividing it. Stupid woman didn't raise concerns but now, because she has pressure from ex-Labour Maori supporters to put the foot in - she has, right into her mouth.

One would have thought we had people in parliament that actually thought a little before piping up with crap like this.

I'm tempted to take my name of the Maori electoral roll, but will just wait to see if she sticks around for the next election (and also Hone Fuckawira).

Simply astounding.

15 February 2010

Red Alert or Red Anger?

I've resisted heading off to look at the labbies Red Alert blog, simply because I assumed that most of the comments would be one-sided and heavily moderated. On the first part, I was probably wrong as there seems to be many that like to contest the labbies posts. On the second point I was right - Daffy Duck Mallard, true to his commie colours, loves to censor.

I have two points to make:
1. Do these labbie MP's blog during working hours? If so, why, and who is monitoring their work practices? Freedom to express is fine, but not when the whole fucking country is contributing towards their pay. They serve the people first, not the party (or have I got that dreadfully wrong?!).
2. How long will it take before a Blue Alert, Green Alert, Purple Alert, Yellow Alert or Brown Alert gets momentum? Actually - I'll answer that straight away. There's no need. Red Alert provides a platform for all and sundry to put Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition to task.

Daffy Duck just seems to dig lots of holes for himself. I wonder what possesses his mind. He is a strange character who has an unrepentent resolve to destroy everyone that he disagree's with. How has he managed to stay in politics so long? Easy - the labbies love him (but aren't they in the minority now?).

I have advice for Mallard... give it up, retire, disassociate yourself from Labour and start to live a life because to be honest, you are way past your expiry date in politics.

13 February 2010

Cretinous MmmmmCarten

Matt McCarten is kinda a weird guy. I was reading his post in the NZHerald here http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/article.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=10625978 and although I guess he attempts satire, he always seems to be a wet satirist.

Now, I'm not a rich prick, but.... I don't knock those who do have more money than me and if they get more out of tax cuts... so what? Why is it Kiwi's like McCarten hate success from others... woops, that's right, tall poppy syndrome, that phenomena that the left so continously seem to ignore.

Ok Ma Ma Ma Carten... get this... this is how it works. The more money one has, the more expendable income they have, the more that can be put into business, the more chance of being able to employ more people, so that they can make more money in order to be able to employ more people. Get it?? If not, go to uni and do Economics 101.

Perhaps he doesn't realise that it was rick pricks that made the NZHerald into what it is today oh and yes, they pay you to write columns for it.... there's a word that is not allowed to be uttered in the debating chamber starting with the letter "H", but here, anything goes and Matt..... you stink of hypocrisy.

12 February 2010

Maori Party vs New Zealanders

What the fuck is going on with the Maori Party. Ok, so they were founded on the principle of repealing the FS&SB Act. Fine, I have no problem with that, but when Nanny Turia gets up and says the FS&SB should not be a public domain, what she means is, give everything to Maori and get fucked anybody else. Well fuck you and the party you belong to coz if you push the average NEW ZEALANDER too far over this bullshit then expect a fight and it won't be pretty.

Key says "It is a concept where you don't get into the emotional debate of ownership. Now it sounds a bit foreign when you think about it, but no-one owns the air, no one owns the sea and we live happily in that sort of environment." I hafta agree with the dude on this.

Turia and her gang of fuck-knuckles need to start thinking about NEW ZEALANDERS, which of course includes Maori and all those others that are citizens of this great land.

I'm FUCKED OFF with the NZMP's divisive attitude and that they think that their blood denotes ownership of the whole fucking caboodle! As you can see i'm wound up over this because the narrow-mindedness of the NZMP requires challenging.

The Agony Chamber - 10Feb10

When I'm free, I intend to pass comment on what I see during question time in that weird meeting place of our politicians. I've always been amused of the antics that go on, but less so of recent times given that we pay these turkey's heaps to behave like fuckwits.

Goff, Key and the GST saga. Goff sought to question Key over the possible increase in GST to 15%. Kinda stupid way to start the year Goff given his previous Govt not only introduced GST, but also increased. Hello! The Nats intend, IF they increase the GST to 15% to also reduced personal taxes, just as Goff's Govt did. So Phillis, try coming up with a real argument instead of making yourself look like a fool.

Interestingly, that one-man-party-joke, Alliance and almost octogenerian Anderton got up to try and have key define the word "not". Hello? One of the things about the agony chamber is that arguments must be both cogent and rational. Anderton flogged a dead horse and the Speaker shut him down - quite rightly too.

Tolley is having a rough time at the moment too. I think she risks being kicked out of the cabinet - she just doesn't have any balls (well literally as well as figuratively). She is a trier, but no match for Daffy Duck Mallard. She is weak and spineless and however well she may do the job in the background, she just isn't credible when in front of the public.

Annette King. Although I can't stand her supercilious tone, she is way better than soft-wanker Goff in the chamber. She actually offers up good arguments and counters well against the more inexperienced Paula Bennett. Unfortunately King didn't win on points over the unemployment rate. Recessions cause unemployment and if the labbies think it will all be solved within one year then they have just fallen out of a bunch of trees.

Jeanette Fitzsimmons - last week in parliament. Good riddance to the nambie pambie grandma.

Cunliffe - what a prize wanker. He comes across so toffy-nosed when he speaks. He pushes Mr Speaker to the limit very often and I think he is periously close to being kicked out sometime soon. He's a smart ass and most kiwi's don't like that sort.

The agony chamber continues to agonize.

07 February 2010

Goff, the Clayton Politician

Yes, he has done it again! Phillis, the soft wanker, seeks to give a John Key speech laying out how things should be done whilst in Govt. Is he off his rocker? Does he have no idea how stupid he looks? Will he even continue to have the support of his caucus? Questions worth answering.

So, he intends to apologise for Key not delivering during 2009. Huh? Let me get this right, Goff is saying sorry? But hang on - shouldn't he have actually done that whilst he was in power? He wants everything to be fixed over a one year period that the labbies couldn't achieve in 9?

If anything, he should be apologising for that bitch Clark and prize plonker Cullen who mis-managed the economy during the prosperous period they enjoyed. I wonder who is behind all this malarky. My guess is its Pete Hodgson the slitherin snake - he who seeks attention by digging holes into no-where.

I'm really looking forward to the House sitting again this week - you can bet my blog will get a lot busier. As for Goff, he continues to thrive as a fuck-knuckle politician, its pathetic really.

05 February 2010

Waitangi doodles

OK, last I heard Waitangi Day was a national day where both European and Maori celebrated the birth of a nation. What a load of bullshit. When a tribe turns around and starts charging money to media to cover this glorious day, it loses its value. What a pack of blundging hang-about fuckwits. Who the fuck are they anyway? This is just the kind of divisive bullshit that goes on in NZ, and whats the bet that bitch Titiwhai and her fuck-knuckle son were involved.

So, the next plonker to do something weird is Phil Goff "condemning" the high Maori unemployment rate. OK Goff, you had plenty of time sort it out so who the fuck are you to condemn anything. Problem with Goff is he is a soft wanker - no matter how hard he tries he just doesn't get any result lol.

Good to be living outside of NZ at times like this.

04 February 2010

Professional Idiots

I was pondering the Mary Ann Thompson shambles a few weeks ago, thinking the issue had died down. So now she has fessed up - she lied, a big fat lie. Um, so whoever employed her is not exactly immune from criticism either. Not only is the fat bitch a big fat liar, those who employed her must have been complete idiots in not checking her out before hand.

So what's the correlation between this dumbass public servant and politicians? Well, how do we actually know that politicians actually hold the qualifications they do have? Has there EVER been public scrutiny of what our politicians have done in the past? Answer is no, which is exactly why we have dumbass politicians in parliament.

Gaining a qualification of any kind is supposedly an indication that the owner has a good level of knowledge in whatever discipline they gained it in. Maybe this is why we have stupid politicians.

What I want to know is... given that the fat bitch was paid a high wage under false pretences, when does she intend to pay it all back to the taxpayer? Come on National, legislate on this one coz at the end of the day, the fat bitch still gains spondoolies.