28 January 2010

Daffy Duck & Fatso Jones

Well I was hoping that i'd have to wait until parliament sits again very soon before posting something about Trevor "Give-me-anger-management-classes" Mallard and putting him onto the fuck-knuckle list.

What on earth is happening in the Labour Party. First with slobby Shane Jones attacking the NZMP, and now with Daffy attacking the Greens.
Just who is Labour going to turn to for a possible coalition next election? The 1-man joke of a party Alliance? Its all quite laughable really.

Daffy is on the attack again already and Turei in the Greens is the target - on Facebook no less! http://blog.greens.org.nz/2010/01/28/trevor-defriended-me-on-fb-and-im-a-bit-sad-about-that/ For a Greenie, Turei is not so bad (so far) and has kept her cool. The fistfight with her is all about the rise in the minimum wage. Well Daffy, go fuck a duck - you may have raised it from $7 to $12 eons ago, but then again you reigned during a period of economic luxury. Different story now Daff.
Can't wait for the first general debate in the chamber. I'm sure he will be up there waving his fists at people again and challenging Lockwood with stupid dumbass points of order. On that note, I hope Lockie kicks him out more this year. I really enjoyed watching Daffy's childish behaviour last year. See it here :> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqQh_fqmJ_Y

Maybe its time for Daffy to move on - he has become a HUGE HUGE liability for Labour but Goff hasn't the balls to reign him in (surprise surprise).

1 comment:

  1. I think I have worked the problem out.

    Mallard put the `hard word' on Turei so that he could add her to his harem and she turned him down and then took retribution.
