11 January 2010

Fucknuckle Harawira.... again!

Either this nutta is plain stupid or he's fallen outta his waka... again. So he has reignited the "raping of Maori land" accusation again, somehow, by saying he is holding up a mirror of NZ... what a fuckwit - a racist of the highest order.

Just how long the Maori Party will hold on to his nutcase has become clear.... Turia doesn't seem to think now that its not so bad. OK.... so here goes... all you motherfucker maori's that have raped our coast lines.... go hold up a mirror coz its only a reflection of you. Now... if I was a pakeha MP and had said that, i'd be eaten for breakfast. As far as I'm concerned i'm a New Zealander and pay allegiance to neither maori or pakeha... what I do pay allegiance to is New Zealanders.

So where to from here.... nothing. Just let everybody from hence forth completely ignore this prick, um, leave him as an MP, but one that is not a paid MP coz i'm damn sure what he thinks isn't a true reflection of what his constitutents think. He's just a mouthpiece for that bitch Titiwhai.

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