07 January 2010

Lawmakers? Yeah right!

This guy Maka Renata rapes a woman at age 14, they put him away for 7 years or so and while in prison rapes his 15yo cell mate. WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING RELEASING PEOPLE LIKE THIS!!!!!

Politicians sit on their high-stools pretending to be the lawmakers of the country on the notion the laws out there are to protect us. Its high time these assholes in government got a brain scan or something because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that the public have had a gutsfull of weak punishments.

One can't always blame the judges because they are restricted by the penalties put into law by those assholes that represent us.

I've had a gutsful of reading about crime and low punishments being dished out. If you fuckwits in govt haven't got the balls to get serious about keeping people locked away that are dangerous... then fuck off out of politics and let someone in who at least has a clue about what a punishment is.


  1. And so say all of us!!!!!

  2. pollies do not make law. They prepare themselves for future careers as board members of various quangos and SOE's. That is their sole mission while in the beehive. To achieve this they must pander to all the vocal and organised members of society. Hence the bleeding heart leftards get their myopic view across.
    pollies function like organisms that cause dysentery. They weaken the host as they feed from it and they give the host the shits.

  3. Great to see the police caught this monkey - kudos to them. Now watch the courts fuck it up by dishing out a small sentence for breaching parole. He obviously hasn't learnt from his time in prison - so what will the politicians do about this re: the law. Breach of parole to me means he is a lost cause - put him away again for another 7 years. That way he won't fuck up someone else's life.
