15 March 2010

Carmel Sepuloni - Bleeter Extraordinaire

So what's the deal with this chick who has her tits in a twist over the Pasifika Festival? She alleges that Labour MP's were banned from speaking and this is all a big plot by the AKl City Council. Oh yes, tacitly she is saying they are racist bigots who are anti-Labour. Well they may be anti-Labour and if so, then so what? Actually the truth is that only so many people can get up and speak (and possibly bore) at the festival and the fact she, or Labour, wasn't invited has got her all snooty.

OK, first things first - Labour doesn't run the ACC. Secondly, she hardly has a right to speak for the people given she is another one of those slackers who are MP's from the list. I'm tired of hearing these nutters professing to represent "the people". She has no real mandate and that's why the List system is fucked.

But anyhow, the next thing is when accusing others of a misdemeanour or such like, its just plain fucking stoopid to do it without evidence. This is just another case of a Labour MP whose frustrated with not being in power and demonstrates the intellectual level of, in this case, her. This is the fat bitch who only got involved in Labour a year and a half before the 2008 election. Now she thinks she is the "advocate" of the people. This is a fuck-knuckle attitude to have, and hence, she goes onto my list. I've watched her in the Chamber of Pain regularly and she's all just hot air - no substance to her at all.

By the way, check out this picture of her from the parliament website - she's gained quite a few tonnes since that photo - perhaps she is enjoying the highlights of being a List MP and enjoying the Bellamy's Trough.

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