30 March 2010

Goff Fouls Up Again

Phillis should wear the above badge next to his taxpayer funded Red rosette next time he ventures out in full plummage. He simply doesn't think about what he says in public. It's rich for him to spin off about Heatley by saying "There need to be sanctions against any person at any time who has that sense of entitlement and misspends Crown money." He thinks Heatley should not have been reinstated so quickly. HELLO! How many Labour Ministers were reinstated for FAR FAR worse crimes, in fact crimes for which they were convicted for!! Um lemme thinking for starters:

1. Ruth Dyson - DIC, reinstated 9 months later.
2. Lianne Dalziel - not convicted of fraudelent behaviour, but resigned anyhow
3. Trevor Mallard - convicted of assault, DIDN'T lose his portfolio
4. David Parker - resigned, was cleared over fraud, reinstated by Frau Clark
5. David Benson-Pope - stood down over misconduct allegations, reinstated, prima facie case existed, Frau Clark gave him back his portfolios
6. Frank O'Flynn - urinated/drunk in public, not relieved of portfolios.

Well if I had the energy I'd search some more. The point is Goff has fucked up AGAIN! He thinks his Labour MP's are squeeky clean? Hardly. What Heatley did is no-where near as serious as some of those events listed above.

Shame on Phillis - still, keep on doing what you are doing Phillis, it guarantee's Labour in opposition for a few more years :)


  1. You forgot Dover Samuels, Philip Field and Winston Peters to name but three others.

  2. Ah yes, that's right! I wonder if the list of criminals is higher with labour because they were in power for 9 years - would it be the same with national after 9 years? Might have to look at the history books! :)

  3. Harry Duyhnoven (??) was an MP but not a citizen .. boy that kicked off some quick rule change.
    JT said and did a few things that would have caused JK a serious problem but Clark batted them off with the ease of a desperate politician
