07 March 2010

Destiny Church Fraudsters

Are the followers of this outfit off their fucking rockers? Seems so as many are flocking away from the fuckers.

Now, I'm respectful of those that follow religion - no problem with that. But what I find incredible is that people are so stupid enough to give $1500 a month in some cases to those wankers in Destiny Church. Hello!! Is it a sense or feeling that they can buy their way into heaven? I just don't get it.

Don't they realise a large portion goes into the fake Bishops coffers - hello!!! He lives in a house worth over a million smackaroos..... hello!! Is it that they are so gullible they don't realise that its a church run by thugs and fraudsters who are so brainwashed by the noddy Bishop? I still don't get it!

OK, so what's this got to do with politics you might ask. Let's quickly think of the Harm Principle. Laws should protect those in society who are harmed by others who seek to gain at the expense of others (and that is detrimental). I sense there is a huge about of fraud, embezzeling and laundering of money going on in this monkey church. So pollies - start investigating a bit more on this - there is a rat in there apart from the turd in the picture above.


  1. Yeah... where is the SFO?

    Oh yeah... so now its imerged that Destiny Church paid for his $500K boat - this fuckhead needs to go to prison - all church members should immediately leave the church and expose him for what he is.
